
I didn’t know I was half White until someone told me. My education, upbringing, friends and family informed me otherwise. As far as the rest of the United States is concerned, they would have been content with me getting a shitty education, subsequently dropping out and hustling to find some cash by any means necessary, killing myself with drugs, fast food and ignorance, fuck myself silly unprotected and then blame it on me. I’d be as spic and nigger as they’d wanted me to be. As far as they’re concerned, anyone who lives here who earns less than thirty thousand must eat, shit and die. We are to be perpetual consumers who fuck to get more consumers. 

One thought on “

  1. Wow. You definitely convey a lot of powerful thoughts and emotions within less than 150 words. The most powerful line “I’d be as spic and nigger as they’d want me to be.”

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